Let's Coach with Carolyn - Career Strategist, Leadership and Life Coach
Carolyn R. Owens and her guests bring a wealth of experience, offering strategies, business tips, and techniques from the coaching world. It's an uplifting, motivating hour offering unique perspectives on life, taking the best from the professional and sports coaching worlds to apply in your everyday life. In this podcast, we focus on topics such as:
· How to start, grow, and expand your business
· How to get started as a professional coach
· Entrepreneurship strategies for leaders and coaches
· Creating work-life balance, self-care, and health and wellness
· Critical life skills such as finances, stress management, and imposter syndrome
· Networking, building, and managing professional relationships
· Romance and intimate relationships
· Team building strategies
· Professional and personal development for high achievers,
· Creating more fun and adventures in life and more...
Tune in and let Carolyn help you transform and enhance your life and raise your game to the next level. And always remember - If it ain't broke…make it better!
Let's Coach with Carolyn - Career Strategist, Leadership and Life Coach
Five Daily Habits That Can Transform Your Life with Eric Cogorno - Episode 260
Eric Cogorno is a well-respected Performance Golf Coach and a hugely successful online businessman. In less than five years, he took his business from $80K a year to $1.5 million in revenue a year, and he has grown from an audience of zero to 500K+ followers. This audience is not just following him but actually watching, liking, and engaging with what Eric shares. And it doesn’t stop there. He decreased his work time from 60 to 10-15 hours a week - Every entrepreneur's dream, right?
How did he do this? How can you do this? Eric joined us to share five daily habits that helped him build a bigger audience and successful online business. In this episode, you learn:
- If social media is still a viable way to grow your business
- How to be perceived as an expert
- What to do when your product isn't selling
- The five daily habits that helped Eric build a successful following, business, and more.
If you are ready to transform your business, life, or career - What are you waiting for? Tune into this episode and find out how to get started today.
Check out Eric's YouTube Channels:
- Lessons I've Learned - http://www.youtube.com/@LessonsIveLearned-EricCogorno
- Eric Gogorno Golf - https://www.youtube.com/c/ericcogornogolf?sub_confirmation=1
- Eric's Instagram - @ericgogorno
Connect with Carolyn:
- https://carolyn360.com
- Instagram: @carolynrowens and @letscoachwithcarolyn